Monday 28 January 2019

Black & White Gallery Open

Celebrating the black & white era of the programme, a section of the tapestry was worked in shades of black, grey and white.

 Menoptra from The Web Planet, 1965

Koquillion from The Rescue, 1965

Kal from The Tribe of Gum, 1963

Macra from The Macra Terror, 1967

War Machine from The War Machines, 1966

Voord from The Keys of Marinus, 1964

Chameleon from The Faceless Ones, 1967

Space Pirate from The Space Pirates, 1969

Friday 25 January 2019

Sixties Who?

I missed the sixties by a few days, but there's a great chance to catch up with the sixties era of Doctor Who very soon, at the start of February to be precise...

These events offer a very good chance to meet the guests and get time with them as tickets are limited, but I understand there are a few left. It's also a good event to go to if you've never been to a large convention before, a chance to get a good flavour of what's involved without the crowds.

This reminds me, I've got to get a black and white section uploaded to my Tapestry Gallery since I stitched a whole section in shades of black, white and grey to celebrate this period of the programme.

And with any luck, I'll see you there.

Thursday 24 January 2019

Tubs to The Tower

I had a meeting today, in a meeting room overlooking The Tower of London. 

With such a view it was hard to concentrate, especially looking at those round towers in the outside wall. I kept thinking back to those tubs I saved from all the Christmas treats.

This, or something like it, is just begging to be built.

Monday 14 January 2019

Extending the gallery

 I’ll be adding new photos to my Doctor Who Tapestry gallery pages over the next few days.
Monday I added photos for the 4th Doctor adventures:

The Talons of Weng-Chiang, 
The Horror of Fang Rock & Shada.

Tuesday I've added photos for the 3rd Doctor adventures:
Bellal from Death to the Daleks,
Autons & Nestene from 
Spearhead from Space & Terror of the Autons,
Draconians & Axons

By the end of the project I hope to have represented every classic story and all the wonderful creatures and not so wonderful ones, along with a large number of other characters that made those early years so special

Adventures with the 3rd Doctor4th Doctor

Sunday 13 January 2019

Opening the Gallery

I've started to open the gallery pages for the Doctor Who tapestry.

The first two pages to launch are:
Daleks, Davros & Cybermen

For the moment there are only four of the classic series Doctors shown, but I will be loading more photos soon, along with more Doctors, Daleks & Cybemen there will be companions and other creatures that featured in the classic series and some of the spin-off productions based on that era.

It is my intention in the future, once this one is finished, to start work on the 2005+ adventures, but that will be a whole new canvas.

Friday 11 January 2019

Excavating The Past

As things have it, I am in the process of moving a lot of things into storage at the moment, hence the lack of actual model making going on. In doing so I have been digging into the backs of cupboards, wardrobes and places that have probably been more secure than a tape locked away in Davros' office.

Two things that have emerged recently are these: 

The 1980s Doctor Who logo jumper mum knitted for me back in 1987 following a pattern from the Doctor Who Knitting Book. 

1987 vs 2019 same me, same jumper
I have posted photos before of some of the things mum and dad made which probably inspired some of my creativity, so I think I'm going to set up a gallery page for them and another gallery page for...

The Doctor Who tapestry, that I've also posted about several times before. This is one of the two projects I am continuing with during this current upheaval. 

The other thing I found was this huge role of 14 count aida, that is the cloth used for the tapestry work. 

I bought it many many years ago when a local haberdashery closed down. The current project is Classic Doctor Who, this role of aida will be the start of the next great work, a tapestry dedicated to the new world that was born back in 2005.

Thursday 10 January 2019

Post Christmas - Getting a bit tubby

Yes, ok, post Christmas and the diet has to be taken seriously again, stop snacking. Not too easy when there is still stuff around and you're trying not to gorge yourself.

 These snacks are too easy to munch through, the Twiglets being my favourite. But I've always toiled with how to use these tubs in my modelling, it always feels wrong to throw them out.

There appears to be a lot of promise from these tubs, certainly the framework for a tower or a bow fronted house. 

Also I am wondering whether it would work if you glued the lid to the base of the board and did not glue down the tube could you make a model that could be stored easier by lifting it off the baseboard but use the lid as an anchor to the base?

Thursday 3 January 2019

Charmed I'm Sure

Not quite finished my post Christmas ideas collection of blog posts, but this one isn't so much about those Christmas leftovers(*)  but more about my ongoing frustration at not being able to get on and make stuff at the moment.

If anyone has read book one of the Karl adventures, you will know about The Alleys, the street where Karl's father has his small business, Axilion Trade. It has always been my intention to model this cobbled street one day, and I can see the hanging shop signs in my head. Not only shop signs, but also some of the many pubs and inns that feature in the adventures, and the things that may appear in some of those shop windows.

I've been spotting a number of quite cheap charms and 'embellishments' on sale that have been crying out to me. Quite a large number of these I've bought and squirrelled away for later use from The Works and a few other places.

Take this set for example, the mask could hang outside a theatre, buy four packs and you could build a clock tower using the clock one. The crown will work for either a pub or maybe a jewellers. I'll leave the others to your imagination.

There are several other sets I've got but have already been put into storage.

More thoughts to follow...

(*) Other celebrations can also generate exciting modelling materials too.