Sunday 10 July 2011

Country Cottages - Those Leaded Windows

Not a great deal of time this weekend for modelling, but the one thing I wanted to address were those lead windows. Something bugged me, and I think it was the colour. When I first had this idea it was back in January when I was suffering a chest infection, and was making hot lemon and honey drinks, I had two bags of lemons, one was black and the other yellow. It was the black bag that had sowed the seed of the idea.

With this in mind I hunted the fruit and veg section of the supermarket until I found a bag of limes in a black bag. I added the limes to the shopping basket and then needed something to do with them so added a case of Sol to the shopping as well. Ok, my beer fridge needed restocking as well so all was not lost, it wasn’t quite the over indulgence just for netting.

So this time I took a bit more care about preparing the material, with the second piece of the plastic sheet I clipped the netting to the sheet first, then lightly sprayed with the glue.  

Last time I used too much and the sheet was sticking to everything especially when I was trying to lay the netting out on it. 

This time, with the netting prefixed on the sheet it pulled over much easier and neater.

Left over night to dry I then cut the small squares out and slotted them in place, I think the black works much better, although the size of the netting is slightly larger than the first red netting. 

Now if I could get the black netting in the red size...

I’ve put the new style windows in on all sides now.

Ok, vote time – which do you guys think works best the red or the black?



  1. This is a really great idea for the windows. As for red or black? Personally I'd go with black. Even if the black netting is slightly larger, it looks more natural I think than the red color.

    (Alternatively, maybe spray paint some red netting black and get the best of both worlds? Don't know if spray paint would actually work to cover all parts of something so thin and irregular as netting though...)

  2. Definitely black, I've never seen red lead lining.


  3. I tried to paint the netting a while ago, and the paint didn't take very well. I didn't spray it, I might try it again with a different paint brand or spray :)

    Cheers guys, I think we're in agreement.

  4. You're right about the size being a bit large but the black netting looks more authentic. Of course you could use a black CD marker pen and just draw diamonds on the window plastic! But I guess thats not recycling is it.

    Nice models as always. Now if I could just get you making stuff in 15mm....

  5. I agree - the red one has the better size, the black the better effect. A novel and clever idea - good stuff!


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