One thing I did notice about the recent panel was that some of the heads did begin to get larger, although this makes for better detail it will mean I'll run out of space before getting the list of characters I intend for this part finished.
So with the current panel I'm forcing the heads back to a more fixed size, it also means I'll get them completed quicker but the detail will be less, hopefully they will still be recognisable.
So, (Sow?) working down from Season 18 to meet up Warriors of the Deep that were at the top of the previous panel I've just added Pangol for The Leisure Hive.
And last night I completed Lexa from Meglos. Initially I was only going to add the cactus and Meglos as the Doctor for this story, part of the when the actor playing the Doctor was also somebody else panel. However, as I'm re-watching the season whilst working on this section I was reminded as to how excited I was by Jaqueline Hill returning to Doctor Who that I couldn't not include Lexa on the tapestry, although I've had to juggle the layout a bit to accommodate.
The earlier part of the tapestry concentrated mainly on aliens and monsters and featured less characters, it wasn't until the last few years I became happier with some of the faces that I decided to incorporate more characters hence the recent wave of additions on this series of panels.
Three characters I've always wanted to do were the "Three Who Rule", Queen Camilla, King Zargo and their councillor Lord Aukon from State of Decay, which is my favourite story from season 18. It's with much pleasure and some trepidation that I've started work on Queen Camilla.