Friday 21 November 2014

The story is nearly finished

We’re finalising the typeset pages, ensuring the full stops and page breaks are all in their right places. One last run through the text to ensure everything is right, and what a lot there is to read. It seems the way with fantasy novels they start out a reasonable size then explode by the time you reach the conclusion. 

The final part of Karl will be with you shortly, and this time it is huge. It is approximately (2xBook2)+Book1 thick.

The question of splitting it did come up but although the story is in three parts it felt wrong to break it, there would not be a natural break halfway through part two. Plus although the cover price of number three has increased it is nowhere near as expensive had this book been split into two or even three parts. It was always going to be a trilogy and I’ve decided to keep it that way.

I knew number three was going to be longer since there was a lot to tell, so hence “Gerranthaul’s Story” found its way out of book three into book two. The first part of book three takes place parallel to Gerranthaul’s visit to Mishdine, and picks up where the main part of book two concluded – but that’s all I’m going to tell you for now.

I think the cover is brilliant and once again has that eerie feel to it, just like the mysterious forest on book one. This time we feature the Niton Mountains, where the legendary Demolich is said to be rising from. Many thanks to Rob Hammond for the wonderful work he has put into these covers.

Some of the promotional material arrived this week; this is always exciting when you unpack this. Here is a sample of the mugs and fridge magnets. Once again, as with the earlier paperback books ordered direct from me, they will be signed and will include a fridge magnet.

So watch this space for further updates – coming soon.

More details also available on the blog page here Karl – DemolichRising.

Sunday 9 November 2014

November Update

Just after Guy Fawkes Night I took another brief tour of the local streets gathering up some of the fallen sticks. It’s the night it rains building material from the sky.

Although there were far fewer bangs and flashes this year, which has to be a good thing for our fury friends.

But while they still go up and the sticks come down I’ll gather up what I can and recycle them into something that will last slightly longer than a quick flash and bang.

Here is this year’s haul, not as vast as I said as the previous gatherings, but hopefully enough to complete the model of the haunted house that has also taken a back seat.

The main reason for the tardiness with the building is the final instalment in Karl’s adventure. The final part of the trilogy is undergoing final preparations now for publishing.

Although it will not now make a November release I hope to see it published early in the New Year. Watch this place for an announcement quite soon.

There are several reasons that the manuscript for the final part has taken longer than expected, one of them is the size. In the style of many fantasy series it weighs in more than twice the second volume of the series.

Previous article in the Mystery Model series:
Mystery Model - Completing the Basic Structure

Next article in the Mystery Model series:
The House is Back