Monday 16 February 2015

A Quick Update

A quick update on what I've been up to in case you thought I've been kidnapped by aliens.

I confess I have still not gone anywhere near the old haunted house model I was building last year, but during a frantic search for something a few weeks ago I came upon the missing plans for the building.  

I have however been giving some love and attention to the Doctor Who Tapestry which has also been suffering from the time I spent last year working on the final part of Karl’s adventures.

I’ve gone back to listening to Big Finish albums and sticking the needle in and out of the canvas in the evenings to create a Draconian and a few Jelly Babies on the picture. I’m working on a Voc Class Robot at the moment. 

That’s not to say that Karl is finished 100%. 

The countdown to the official launch is underway. The Kindle edition goes live on the 23rd February, and pre-orders are already open. The final manuscript has been sent over, so why not pre-order and have them load it onto your machine on the day of release? Click here for more details.

I am now in the process of reformatting all three books ready for launch onto the other eBook platforms, so watch this space and Karl’s Facebook page for further announcements. 

We have now added ‘Buy Now’ buttons to the pages on this blog dedicated to each book. You can order a copy direct from me, whilst my stock lasts, and I will sign and dedicate the book for you. Just follow the links on the right hand side of the blog for more details.

And finally congratulations to the two winners of the Goodreads Giveaway promotion for book one of the trilogy. Your books are in the post to you.

That’s my quick update for now, hopefully I will be back with some model work soon.

All the best

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Goodreads Giveaway Book 1

Sorry this event has now finished - but watch out for further promotions coming soon

Quick heads up folks. For UK users of Goodreads there is currently a chance to win one of two copies of the first book just before we release the final adventure.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Karl - Birth of a Mystery by D.J. Kettlety

Karl - Birth of a Mystery

by D.J. Kettlety

Giveaway ends February 13, 2015.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Karl - Demolich Rising Preorders

It's been a long time coming but the end is in sight, Karl - Demolich Rising is now available to pre-order on the Kindle.

The release date for the Kindle edition is 23rd February.

The paperback edition will be listed soon.
They should be hot off of the press very shortly.

Watch this space for further updates.

And then I can get back to model building and the Doctor Who tapestry.

Kindle pre-order