Sunday 17 September 2023

September is the time to enter the matrix

Now I am working across two of the panels at once. These are the final two panels to go on the right hand side of the tapestry. The top panel you saw the start of recently. There I added the Unbound Doctor, Benny, Iris Wildtyme and Panda along the top.

I have now returned to working up from the bottom and last night I added the last stitch to the Keeper of the Matrix from the Trial of the Time Lord.

The Sixth Doctor's own panel already featured Madam Inquisitor and the Valeyard, and various characters who also appeared in the trial season have already been added, as can be seen on the page dedicated to The Trial of a Time Lord

I'm often asked if I work from any pattern, all I do is a working guide sketch on the canvas then fill in from a photo beside me. Here's the comparison of the sketch to the finished Keepr.

Next up will be King Yrcanos and The Lukoser/Dorff