Saturday 23 April 2011

Project Round Up - Saturday

Not much model work today – priority was the new series of Doctor Who, and getting past a technical problem with receiving the broadcast. If you’ve not seen it yet, then I won’t give away any ‘Spoilers’.

Today I finished off the wood work on the larger coffee stick house that was in production and gave it a quick rub down with sand paper before applying the undercoat using Games Workshops’ Chaos Black spray. That was out in the garden, and then came the thunder and then the rain – so game over.


  1. Looks great. I hate it when it rains mid-project. Even worse if you spray and pop inside and don't spot the downfall.

  2. Yes, I know all about that. This time it started during the spraying - it came out of nowhere. A loud clap of thunder and then it was like somebody had turned the tap on.


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